Friday, November 8, 2013

Ancient Egypt Overview

Welcome to Ancient Egypt:

 Learning Target: I can use research to examine life in ancient Egypt.



1. Today you will be researching to find out many things about ancient Egypt.  You will explore a site that will have you learning all about the life in ancient Egypt. 

2, Your job is to learn all you can and keep notes about what you have learned.  Along the way you may encounter activities or games that will help you learn even more.  Be sure to write you sources down where you got your information on your notes so you can cite your evidence at a later time. 

3. When you are finished, you will come back here to answer the blog question below and comment on others responses as well.  To get your grade for today you will need to blog once for your own response and then comment on at least one other person's response as well.  Enjoy exploring ancient Egypt.  Learn all you can!

Criteria for Success:

1. You can use the research tools provided to create effective notes that show I learned about ancient Egypt.

2. The notes have information as well as the sources cited for future use.

3. You were able to respond to questions asked by the teacher as well as responds to your peers comments with evidence to back up your comments.

Blog Question:

Now that you have learned a lot about ancient Egypt, you are to respond to one of the following questions presented to you. Be sure to write your evidence where you learned this information to show your understanding.  You can also respond to your peer's comments, but must be clear whether you agree or disagree with evidence to back up your comment.

Questions: (Choose One)

1.  Was the Egyptian government and their religion tied together?  Explain with evidence to back up your answer.


2. Can you give evidence to show why the Egyptian civilization was able to succeed for so long.  What was it that gave them the chance to survive and be strong for as long as they did?

Monday, November 4, 2013

Egyptian Social Class

Welcome to Ancient Egypt: Social Classes

Today you will learn about the Social Classes that were found in ancient Egypt.  Look through the links provided on the website as well as here.  You will find there are many different jobs associated with the social classes and each was important.  Use the notes I provided as well as adding to them to find out as much as you can about each level.  You will become and expert in one, but you won't know which one you will be given until later in the week.  Be sure to learn and write as much as you can.   Write where you got your evidence (cite source).  Then you will come back to this blog and answer the "blog question" attached

Blog question:  What level of Social Class was the most important for Egyptian survival and give evidence to support your answer.  If you have time, you can read others and comment on their comments as well.  You MUST write you name to comment to get your grade for the day.  Also, you must add your name to any comment you make on others.