Monday, November 4, 2013

Egyptian Social Class

Welcome to Ancient Egypt: Social Classes

Today you will learn about the Social Classes that were found in ancient Egypt.  Look through the links provided on the website as well as here.  You will find there are many different jobs associated with the social classes and each was important.  Use the notes I provided as well as adding to them to find out as much as you can about each level.  You will become and expert in one, but you won't know which one you will be given until later in the week.  Be sure to learn and write as much as you can.   Write where you got your evidence (cite source).  Then you will come back to this blog and answer the "blog question" attached

Blog question:  What level of Social Class was the most important for Egyptian survival and give evidence to support your answer.  If you have time, you can read others and comment on their comments as well.  You MUST write you name to comment to get your grade for the day.  Also, you must add your name to any comment you make on others.


  1. I believe the middle class was the most important to egyptian survival because without them, they wouldn't have medicine, soldiers, architect, etc. to survive and protect themselves against other forces. -kobey creech

  2. I think that the lower class was the most important to survival because they had farmers and farmers are the ones who planted crops and spent 8-9 months a year getting food for the the Egyptian city.
    Kyle Green

  3. I believe the Pharaoh is the most important class. Without the Pharaoh their people would be crazy and not able to control them.The Pharaoh is the highest class ever and collects from everyone. The Pharaoh is the absolute or supreme ruler.

    1. True but where would Egypt be with out the farmers?

  4. I think the farmers were one of the most important part of the Egyptians because they grew all the food for them. Farmers principal crops were wheats, fruits, and vegetables(

  5. The most improtant social class was the priest because they made sacrifices to please the gods so people don't think they are bad and most importantly to keep the population down.

  6. I beleive that the mosy valuable class in the Egyptian social structure was the middle and lower class, as without them, the Egyptian society would not be able to function as a whole, due to the fact that they were responsible for the food and main supply of items.
    -Trevor Andershock

  7. I believe that the most important social class is the farmers, slaves, and laborers. I believe this because we wouldnt have food if they werent around. We also wouldnt have shelter. I believe that the most important social class is farmers, laborers, and slaves. (
    -Mia Bonacorsi

  8. The most important class for Egyptions survival is farmers because they are the ones that grew food for everybody.That's unfair because they should be treaded with a lot more respect and be close to the middle of the city. Jacob Penry

    1. i totally agree but you could add something about the slaves because they played a BIG roll in the survival of this civilization

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  10. The social class that was important to survival was the farmers and the slave because the farmers took care of the food so the people didn't starve and the slaves because they can bring the bread or water and mine for minerals like gold, silver, and bronze for tombs, jewelry, and decoration -A.j. Goldman

  11. Jonas i don't agree with you because the farmer is the most important they make all food for evry body to eat.They should be treaded better than how they are.

    Jacob Penry

  12. A.J. i agree because they make food for everybody while they get treaded so badly.
    They need to be treaded with lots of respect

  13. The social class that was the most important in Ancient Egypt were the farmers because they made the food for all of the Egyptians which is key for survival

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  15. Farmers was the most important Social Class because without them everyone in the village would starve and die-logan williams

  16. I believe all of the social classes were important to the civilization of Ancient Egypt. I believe this because all of the classes of Egyptian society played a role in keeping functionality in the society. Without farmers there wouldn't be food. Without craftsmen there wouldn't be tools to build shelters. Without scribes there wouldn't be any records of anything. Without a Pharaoh the society wouldn't be inline.

    -Logan Aldrich

  17. I think the craftspeople and the farmers were the most important, because they were the most basic structure, they had kept Egypt wealthy. With all of their crops, clothes, and other basic things, they had really kept Egypt going. (textbook website)
    ~Veronica Pecor~

  18. i think the farmers were the most important class because without the farmers the Egyptians were be hungry and had kept the irrigation system well and raised animals while tending the field

  19. I think that the pharaoh was the most important. They controlled the government and the people. without them, the people of Egypt would not know what to do. (

  20. I think the farmers and scribes were most important

  21. I think that all of the people in the social class because without any of them they could not exist long. For example, the Pharoah led the people so they could live and the slaves served the people to help do what was needed to be done. Also the scribes kept track of how much food that they had so they knew to make more or not and merchants traded to help get more goods. But priests helped with religious ceremonies which wer impartant and farmers helped the people stay alive by giving them food.

  22. I think it is the lower class farmers because it all had to do with the fact that it had to do with the plants and crops that made it possible to eat every day and night.

  23. i think the scribes and govt. officials were the most important. they kept the records for the pharaoh. the pharaoh would not be able to control all of the people. they trained in writing hyroglyphics so they could write for the pharaoh and keep records. that is why i think the pharaoh is the most important structure in the social class!

  24. i believe the social class of the pharaoh was the most important to the Egypt because they were considered a god and were a very powerfull leader

    1. I disagree because sometimes they were not that powerful and did not do their job.But if they were powerful then I agree with you.

    2. I agree with Drew. I do think Pharaohs were important but lowers class is too!

  25. I believe the most important class was the farmers.I think the farmers were important because they grew the grains and fruit and vegetables.They pretty much kept the kingdom living.Thats why I think the farmers were so important.

  26. i think that farming was important because we need food to survive. without them they would starve.

  27. I believe the farmers were the most important to the Egyptians because without them they would not have all the food surplus for the amount of all the people in their cities KAISUN N. The slaves were also important because they made up most of the population as well. They owed debts but did all the hard labor and work on projects most others would not. Greg B.

  28. I believe that everybody was the most important in Egypt. Now I say that because what good would an officer of law do without criminals to catch and correct. what about a Pharaoh, what good would he/she be if there was no lower social classes. SPENCER N. Спенсер Ноймайера (my name in Russian)

  29. I think the most important class in Egyptian cultrue is the farmers, craftsman,and the labors. The reason is because that they would have to go out in the hot heat just to get food for the whole city . To add they would have to work on the land but also they might have to live on the land to that they worked on. Also they would have to work for the higher or upper classes. Craftsman would have to labor by a hot fire to make tools that the king needed. Last the farmers,craftmens,and labors I just think that they should be treated a lot better then they were treated.

  30. I believe that the farmers are the mosrt important social class because they made the food that ran the country. If there was no food surplus, then the egyptains wouldn't be an advanced city. They provided all the food needed to feed the people and livestock. They grew or killed the food the Pharo. They took up much of the popluation and that is why they had so much food. Even though the scribes would also be the most imortant, the farmers are still more imoortant. The scribes wrote all the data that we have today. If there were no scribes then there would be no record. But the farmers left important tools like shovels, or little tools that helped them make holes in the ground to plant the crops. They left behind evidence that there was classes in Ancient Egypt. The farmers didn't usually own their land. They worked on it and usually lived on it. I know that this is really long, but i want to inform you with all that I learnded today. Thank you for reading this.

    Sarah Stewart

    1. Just saying you misspelt most on the first sentence, but otherwise very good

  31. I believe that farmers were the most importan to th Egyptians survival because they made all of the food and tended to it plus they had to pay taxes so everyone could have it. Plus they are the largest population so they could be used as soldiers. Jeremy Snider 6th Hour 11/5/13

  32. I believe that the Middle Class was the most important when it comes to survival. I think this because the middle class has Doctors, Soldiers, and Traders. The doctors save peoples lives and know a lot about everything. The soldiers protect them from enemies trying to attack. Lastly, the traders bring items to their city that they need but do not have.
    Deja Bradford

  33. I believe that the craftsmen and merchants were the most important. I believe this because they make jewels and metals for the pharaoh and for them to trade for their city.

  34. i believe that scribes and government officials were most important because if they didn't keep track of food they would never no if they had enough food and they wouldn't have good roads to walk on.

    1. i believe that youre wrong, as i feel that the working class was most important, for without them, most of the important tasks would mot be completed.

  35. I believe that the most important class in Ancient Egypt would have to be the lower class. Without the farmers to make the food for the entire civilization the civilization would starve. Without the laborers and slaves to build and do all the work needed, the pharaoh would have to use some of his/her higher class people resulting in less craftsmen and merchants,scribes and government officials, ect.

  36. I think the farmers were the most important class because they provided most of their food!!! With out them the town or community or WHATEVER! would probaly starve!!!!!! :)

  37. I think the farmer were the most important person in the social class system.They provide allthe food the people needto live.They did not owed a debt, committed a crime or captured in war, like slaves. Cara Lawrence

  38. I think the most important class were the farmers because farmers will make food for all of the other classses

    1. i Agree but u may need to put more info about what this is

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  40. The Egyptians lasted so long because of the nile river because it gave them so many reasorces like fertile soil.The soil is called silt it helped the wheat and crops last so long and the nile gave them food because of the fish in the river. They could use the nile river for transportation and that leads to trading with other civilazations. ~David Springmeyer~
