Friday, November 8, 2013

Ancient Egypt Overview

Welcome to Ancient Egypt:

 Learning Target: I can use research to examine life in ancient Egypt.



1. Today you will be researching to find out many things about ancient Egypt.  You will explore a site that will have you learning all about the life in ancient Egypt. 

2, Your job is to learn all you can and keep notes about what you have learned.  Along the way you may encounter activities or games that will help you learn even more.  Be sure to write you sources down where you got your information on your notes so you can cite your evidence at a later time. 

3. When you are finished, you will come back here to answer the blog question below and comment on others responses as well.  To get your grade for today you will need to blog once for your own response and then comment on at least one other person's response as well.  Enjoy exploring ancient Egypt.  Learn all you can!

Criteria for Success:

1. You can use the research tools provided to create effective notes that show I learned about ancient Egypt.

2. The notes have information as well as the sources cited for future use.

3. You were able to respond to questions asked by the teacher as well as responds to your peers comments with evidence to back up your comments.

Blog Question:

Now that you have learned a lot about ancient Egypt, you are to respond to one of the following questions presented to you. Be sure to write your evidence where you learned this information to show your understanding.  You can also respond to your peer's comments, but must be clear whether you agree or disagree with evidence to back up your comment.

Questions: (Choose One)

1.  Was the Egyptian government and their religion tied together?  Explain with evidence to back up your answer.


2. Can you give evidence to show why the Egyptian civilization was able to succeed for so long.  What was it that gave them the chance to survive and be strong for as long as they did?


  1. Q2: There are many reasons why the Egyptian civilization was as strong as they were for as long as they were. One reason is that they kept on advancing. The people of Egypt developed Hieroglyphs and many economic activities such as mining, trade, farming and more. Also, the people had many valuable resources that they used well. The fine silt that the Nile deposited guaranteed a food supply and a possible surplus for trade. One last example are the social class. Everyone in the civilization had an important job to do and did it well. From farmers to Pharaohs, everyone had a key role in the success of Egypt.
    -Mahima Shahrawat

    1. Cited from: Ancient Egypt- Notes #1 Gift of the Nile

    2. I totally agree with you! Good job!:)

    3. You are right and make some good points

    4. Wow Mahima, good job. Very smarty and some good points like how they kept advancing #smart:)

    5. i totally agree with u good job

    6. Good job, Mahima, You did a great job of giving be at least 3 reasons to back up the question. You also gave good evidence to show your understanding of the subject. You earned all points possible. Look for the grade on the portal

  2. Religion and government were tided together in many ways. One way is they thought their pharaoh was a god. Ancient Egypt also had priests for clergy. Another reason is they believed in Troth, The god of writing and wisdom.Religion and government were tided together. (

    1. Good point about the Pharaoh being a god!

    2. I don't agree because the priests had the second highest power.

    3. Zach i put stuff about the priests.

    4. I would have liked one more reason for ideas to prove why they were tied together. You gave this a good try and showed me you had some understanding of the subject type.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think the government and religion were tied together, because first the Pharaohs were The top of the government and they believed that they were the walking gods, and also they were supposed to keep the city running.

    1. childrensuniversity-ancient Ancient Egyptians gods

    2. You did a nice of job given me some feedback how they were connected. I would have liked to see you give me one more reason.

  5. Egyptian civilization was able to succeed for so long because the desert gave them a natural barrier from any form of attack because of the lack of water. Also, the Egyptians had a stable water supply from the Nile River. but, since the Nile had a yearly flood and drought, they had to adapt to their surroundings.(section 1 and 2 of the world history social studies book, unit 5.) - kobey creech

    1. i never thought of the natural barrier. Good job.

    2. Wow, never thought of that, good job!

    3. yah ishouldhave put that in mine gj

    4. Me to wish i would have used it in my comment nice job kobey. carson shultz

    5. Daniel, you gave good evidence to support your reasons and you answered the question completely. I also found you cited your sources.

  6. Carson Shultz
    i think the Egyptians were successful because the Pharaoh gave them coins to pay taxes easier and they all were successful but the slaves. that is why i think the Egyptians survived for a long time.

    1. IS there other reason that you know off.

    2. I agree with you, but i believe it was more about their location, not what they did, but i see what you are saying. _kobey creech

    3. i never thought about something like that... Good Job.!

    4. Carson, I like your effort, however I would like to have more evidence about the Nile ;river and how it contributed to their success. This led to a food surplus which in turn led to specialization.

  7. The Egyptian government and their religion tied together because the paroah made the priest make sacrifices to please the gods so everything will be alright(childrensuniversity).

    1. You should some more evidence for your claim

    2. What about how the pharaoh was considered a god and many Egyptians would honor them as gods.

  8. #2) Egyptians civilization was able to suceed for so long because they had the Nile with them to whole time to grow crops which leads to surpluses which leads to trading. They also used the Nile to travel around to start trading in different cities and get different things. The nile river had fertile soil all around them that helped them survive. In the Egyptian Timeline the first settlers arrived in the Nile Valley around 7500 BCE. ( (Section 1 and 2 of World History Social Studies book, unit 5.) - Sisi Hardge

  9. Q2:I believe that the ancient egyptians were able to survive so long because they had really good soil thanks to the silt that came from the Nile. Another reason why they could prosper was because they had a strong military force and good leaders such as Nefertiti, king tut and many more.

  10. The Egyptian civilization was able to suceed for so long because they had specialization, which gave a variety of jobs for the Egyptians. They also had a pharaoh to control them which made things organized and not cautoic. Another thing is they all had one main religion to believe so there was never conflict (Egyptian social class notes).

    1. Good Job! I did't realize they had to control them! :)

    2. Wow! This was a great answer and you gave good evidence to support your answer.

  11. Q2; The Nile River was a great source for the Egyptians. I think this because the Nile gave them food and water for then they dont thirst in the desert while trading. Another thing they did was they kept on advancing like trading, farming and making the wrinting system, Hieroglyphics. (Cited from: Notes #1)
    -Mia Bonacorsi

  12. I think the religion and government were tied together because the pharaoh was the head of the city with government officials right by their side by keeping the city from starving and keeping it from going out of place.(childrensuniversty-timeline)

    1. Nice job, would have liked you to give at least 2 reasons to support your answers.

  13. Q1: The government and religion were tied together because the pharoh was believed to be a god, and he was the governments main ruler, and they were tied together that way. (Cited from: The Childrens University Of Manchester)
    -Trevor Andershock

    1. You need to give 2 reasons to support your answer. Good start!

  14. Q2: The Nile River was a really source as to why the Egyptians survived for so long. The soil around the Nile was so fertile that they were able to grow crops. The Nile also gave them a great water source. When the river flooded, it told the farmers that it was a time to rest. The Nile also gave them a way of transportation. They could transport goods and food. There are many more reasons as to why the Nile River gave them a chance to survive in the desert. (unit notes)
    -Rachel Carle

  15. The Egyptian government and religion were tied together because when they mummified them pharaohs they were trying to get the pharaohs to after life and most of the pharaohs said that they were gods. Also the the priests did sacrifices to please the gods. That is why the Egyptian government and religion were tied together -caylorjonas13 (childrensuniversity.manchester-ancient Egypt gods).

    1. I could'nt agree with you more Jonas! They also put jewels and food in their tombs so they could be wealthy and healthy in the afterlife.

  16. There are many reasons why the Egyptian civilization was strong for as long as they did. A reason is that they never stopped advancing, Egyptian people created the Hieroglyphs and activities for economic reason such as mining, trading, farming and many more(unit notes). Another is that the rich soil and silt that can from the Nile, when flooded, gave a food supply and maybe a possible surplus(unit notes). -Ally Frein!! *not finished*

  17. The Ancient Egyptians succeed for so long because they had the five social institutions and good rulers. They also had surplus of food which allowed the city to expand, & then people began to specialize in other things .

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Ancient Egyprians succeded for so long because they had all their social classes in order so theycould work together easier.Also yhe Pharoh helped with what they built and what they ate,but the desert also helped because it was so hot so barley anybody could take them over this is why they succeded for so long.
    (notes 3)
    Jacob Penry

    1. I agree But you may want to put it something about the Nile because the Nile helped ALOT to the survival of the Egyptians -A.j. Goldman

  20. Q1: I believe the Egyptian religion and government were linked. Priests, who were second in control to the Pharaoh, worshipped the many gods and took care of them and the temples they were in. The Pharaoh was probably chosen by a god to rule, or else elected by the people. (Unit notes)

    1. kaitlyn I completly agree with what you said! Amd if I remimber right than also the priest had to also make the desicions for the king. (notes #3)

  21. The reason why the Egyptians survived for so long is from the Nile river from it being so fertile to transportation it provided the reason why the people of Egypt survived for so long. The Nile is very fertile from silt and that lead to a surplus of food. The Nile also provided people for trade, and it was faster on boat than on foot from one town to the next. Ancient Egyptian Notes #1 The Gift of the Nile -A.j. Goldman

  22. Austin i don't agree because you really didn't tell the right thing and why they survived.For Ex:they survived for so long beacuse the desert kept them from the evaders that try to destory their kingdom

  23. Question 2:
    The Egyptians were able to last as long as they did because of their natural surroundings. First of all, the NIle river provided good land for farming/ growing crops. There are also two harsh deserts that protect it from invaders. (World History Ancient Through Early Modern Times).

  24. The Egyptians government was clearly tied to their religion because they believed that the pharaoh was an actual god and pharaohs are the leaders of the government. Also, one of the highest government officials are priests and the priests are practically slaves to the gods.(World History Ancient Early Modern Times)

  25. The Egyptian government and their religion were tied together in many ways. One of the ways they were connected is that the kings and queens decisions also had to be agreed upon through the priest. The last way they were connected is if one of the rulers died then the priest would pick the new ruler. (

  26. The ancient Egyptians were able to survive so long because they had the Nile river to give them fertile land and sandstone around that area so they could build houses and farm materials. Another thing that helped them was the desert because it kept intruders from getting in the city. (" pg. 80-81") -Andrew Huckstep

    1. I agree with you. Another thing you could add could be specialization, specialization helped because it made Ancient Egypt a stronger civilization. Specialization also lead to trading among others.

  27. Q1:
    In Egypt their government and their religion were connected. I think this because When they mummified people, they put things like their belongings and food in their tombs because they belived in the after life. When they buried pharohs they put jewlels and food in their tombs because their pharohs were VERY special to them! (

  28. Q2:
    The Egyptian civilization was able to last so long because of the Nile River. The Nile River brought silt which made the land fertile. That was good for crops to grow. Also, the settlement was good. The settlement was- The Nile River, fertile soil, then deserts. The deserts kept out invaders. Another thing is the Nile brought a great amount of water to the Egyptians. When it was flooded the farmers were able to relax. Also, it had flooded the same time every year so the Egyptians started to notice how the birds would fly. This had started new ideas(Textbook,67-93).

  29. Q1: Yes, the government and the religion were connected. First, Both the Pharaoh and Preist were a religious figure. Second, both carried out orders from above. Last the two people were supported by taxes.
    (Notes#3 Egyptian Social Class)
    - Kailey Blanton:)

  30. Q2: The Ancient Egyptian civlization was able to sucseed for so long because they had specialization. There were many job positions such as farmer, craftsperson, artisan, government officials, priests and the Pharoh. The farmers grew the food, the artisans made bread, food baskets, and cothing/shelter. The traders then traded with other cities along the Nile. After trading, the artisans could make more food or learn how to make other things by studying them. The priests were in charge of cleaning the temples and statues along with keeping the tombs cared for. The pharoh's job was to make sure taxes were collected, oversee temple or tomb building and do other political things such as meetings. Cited From : World History Ancient through Early Modern Times

  31. Q1. I feel that the religion and government were tied together because priest pleased gods and took care of temples. since they took care of god this tires to religion because they beileved in 1 god/pharaoh. also the pharaohs controlled government. Government was tied to religion with the writing. this is true because they used hieroglyphs and recored notes.(notes 3 egyptian social class notes)(book 88).

  32. Q2: The Ancient Egyptian civilization was able to succeed for so long because of specialization and the Nile. The Nile provided fertile soil and water for farming. Farmers were growing surpluses and were able to do more than farming. Specialization happened resulting to a stronger civilization. Egypt started trading with others and was able to keep a steady living.
    (Cited From: World History: Ancient Through Early Modern Times)

    -Logan Aldrich

    1. I think you were correct but you didn't add anything about invaders. In Mesopotamia empires fell because of invaders, but in Egypt they didn't have invaders because of the deserts, which were hard to get through.

    2. Michael is right and ivaders did come but hardly any came because of the desert and mountain ranges.

  33. Question 1: I think that the religion and government were tied together. This is because of the fact that pharaohs were the ruler of government and they were also god/goddess. ( -ancient Egyptian Gods)

  34. Q1: The Egyptian government and religion were tied together because they believed that the pharaoh was chosen by a god.

    -Logan Williams

    1. i agree because they had hieroglyphic writings on tombs and were mostly on religion

    2. What else did you know? Evan Swain

  35. Q1: I belive the goverment and religon were tied together because the pharaoh was thought as a god, and the pharoh was the main ruler. (Childrens

  36. Q1:yes,religon and goverment tied toghter becuase of preists and scribs. Because prists dealded with religon, because of gods.And they were in charge of religon and goverment.Scribs tied toghter with goverment becuase they keep track of everything because they were professinals with writing hiroglyphics and they could tie toghter with religon too becuase oviousbly they must have had to write the religous book.(Childrens university of manchester)

    ~Safiyyah Hashmi...

    1. I mean (childrens

  37. Q2: Ancient Egypt was able to survive for so long because they had be able to advance so much easier than other civilizations because there was so many positions to fill in, such as farmers,artisans, priests,pharaohs, and just basic rulers. They had helped motivate the civilization much longer because they had certain people do certain jobs. Farmers were to farm, artisans to make pottery and crafts, priests were to give religious reasons, speeches, and pharaohs were top basically rule and make laws. Other than that, that is why The Ancient Egyptians wwere able to last so much longer. Cite: The Childrens university of Manchester
    ~Veronica Pecor 4~

    1. I agree with u :) and what doo u mean by the 4 in your signature?!?!?!

  38. The government and religion were tied because the pharaoh was part of the government and he was considered a god. The religious belief has tied with government because it has to be able to trust in the gods and your own pharaoh.

    1. citied in my notes and from Mrs.Argents web sites to Egypt. from justin goeke

    2. i also agree because if the Pharaoh was a god and a government leader then it had to be tied together

  39. I think the government and religion of Egypt were tied together because a Pharaoh was believed to be a god that ruled the people. The Pharaoh was also the head of the government. So if their leader was considered a god then it had to be tied into their religion.cited from: page 88 in social studies book

  40. Q1. the religion and the government were tied together because the in the upper classes preexist took care of tombs and made sure they made the gods happy. the pharaoh was thought be also a god because the pharaoh had lots of power. the priest also made the pharaoh happy. another reason why government and religion are tied together because they had hieroglyphs writing on the tombs. notes 3 JAKE SUN

    1. the in the upper classes preexist?

      -Logan Williams

  41. The reason why they were able to last so long is because they had a lot of natural barriers so they were never attack unlike everybody east of them at that point in history. They also had a good working goverment that could control their land easily, but they could have never done this without the Nile river which was their only source of fresh water. So it helped them with farming which led to specialization and everything played out from there. Evan Swain

  42. Q1 the gov. and the religion were tied together because the people believed that the gods choose the people to be who they are.the people said that the pharaoh was a god so that must have meant that the government and the religion were tied together. The priest job was to please the gods so that must have meant that the government and religion were tied together.[notes,]

  43. Q1: the Egyptian's religion and government were tied together because the pharaoh was considered a god and a ruler. priests and nobles closely worked with the pharaoh, they were in charge of the religion and government.

  44. Q1:The Egyptian civilization lasted long because of the Nile river provided silt which was used for crops and gave them fertile land.The Nile river would have a yearly flood which would give more water and silt.They also had natural barriers like the harsh deserts and they had an organized government which was very successful.They also had good natural resources and found minerals like iron,gold,copper,etc.
    (Ancient Egypt Notes 1)
    -josh odonnell

  45. Q2: The ancient Egyptian civalization was able to succeed for so long because the Nile's yearly flood deposited silt on the land that the Egyptians planted and grew crops around. Also, they had devoloped their own specialization like making pottery, mats, furniture, linen clothing, sandals, or jewelry. Cited From: World History Ancient through Early Modern Times and Ancient Egypt- Notes #1 Gift of the Nile.

  46. Q1: i feel that religion and government were tied together because the pharoh was considered a god so they tried to please him. since the pharoh was considered a religous figure he was considered responsible for everything. the gods were truly the ones who were resonsible. all the the gods and the pharoh made the laws so they listened to them. thats why i think that religion and government were tied together. (world history book).

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Q2:I think Ancient Egypt lived so long because of the Nile River.When the Nile River flooded it left silt on the land and then made the land very fertile which was great for farming.Ancient Egypt also had deserts surronding them which kept a lot of invaders out and they did not get attacked as much.Ancient Egypt had a surplus of food from their farming.That is how the Ancient Egyptians lasted so long(Book:World History/Ancient Egypt/79-87).

  49. The egyptians lasted so long because of the nile river.They depended on the fertal soil for their crops.They traveled on the nile river for transportation.Since the nile had such a fertal soil they could feed more people which led to growing of the population.

  50. Q2: The reason that the Egyptians survived so long is because the Nile River gave them water to drink and food to eat by giving them silt to plant crops. The Nile also gave them a way of transportation. They could move up the river to get to another place in Egypt. The last thing i'm going to add about the Nile is the fact it gave them trade so they could get rare and exotic thing from other country. There are a couple of other facts such as the specialization. Specialization gave them certain jobs that needed to be done such as a farmer or a merchant. There were many different kinds of jobs that helped the whole community. (world history book pages 79-87)

  51. I think that goverment and religion were tied together because they had to work together to keep Egypt alive. Also they believd that the pharoh was chosen by the gods. Also the pharoh was part of the goverment . I think that because the pharoh had to rule all of Egypt.

  52. Q1: I think Egypt's government and religion was tied together by the pharaoh because they was picked by the gods.The pharaoh was in charge of Egypt and the people.So he is really the only person that was connected to the religion and the government.

  53. The Egptions goverment and religon were tied togetheer because , They both have positive outlook ,and they belive in afterlife whicth means ' the book of the dead ,they also belive in polytheism whitch is the gods of nature.They are also intertwined with hierogtypics , and papyrus to make their 1st book. That is how the goverment and religon are tied together. TAVI

  54. I think religion and government were tied together because the pharaoh was considered a god, and worshipped like one. The Egyptians also believed that the pharaoh was chosen by the gods. The pharaoh was responsible for everything, like a god would be. ( World History Book pg. 88 ) -Laura T.

  55. Q:1 I think that the Egyptian government and their religion was tied together because the government needed to help pharaoh the because the pharaoh could not do every thing like commanded the army or collected the taxes from the farmers. The gov. officials are in the same class as the scribes and the scribes had to help the pharaoh. cite:(page 88 from world history ancient through early modern times)

    Anthony nelson

  56. The Egyptain civilzation was strong because they had their own water from the nile and the nile river provided good soil called silt.Also that gave them food and the northern and southern of the sahara desert that gave them a natural barrier that cept them safe from enemy attacks.Also i know this from my book or mrs Argent i think.

  57. Q2: The Egyptian civalization was able to succeed for so long because the Nile river would flood yearly so the silt and the water from the river would pour onto the crops. Also they had craftspeople and merchants that help make things like clothing and pottery.They also had deserts were surrounding them so no one ever attacked them. That is why the Egyptians were successful for so long.

  58. Q2: There are several reasons why and also how the Egyptian civilization was able to succeed for so long. One of the main reasons was they had a positive outlook on life and looked forward to their afterlife. The Egyptians believed that in order to get to their afterlife, which they thought of as a much better place than earth, they had to please the gods. Pleasing the gods meant working hard and having everything they do revolve around the gods. Another big reason the Egyptians were able to succeed as long as they had was the Nile River. This river provided good, fertile soil for the Egytian farmers. Good soil meant a good crop, which led to food surpluses. The more food the Egyptian people had, the more time they had for other things, which led to specialization. This is how the Egyptians were able to succeed for as long as they did. (World History Book, Chapter 4, Section 2).

    -Liezl Kurtz :)

  59. The egyption civilization was able to succeed becase they grew the crops from the flooded land. they lived along nile river they got water from the flood. the fertile silt helpted them get plenty of food from the land which gave them time to do other things like have jobs and play games.
    Greg Beem

  60. Qt: The Egipgens made thar own materials. Like linen with it they made close. And they hade water. The pharoh did some of the decisions. Also they bilt homes.(World History p.89)

  61. Q1: I think that Egypt's religion and government are connected because of my textbook. p.93 says that pyramids were places where the bodeis of the dead pharaohs would be placed. Also on pg. 96 it states the Egyptians thought their pharaohs were children of the gods or were gods themselves. This is why I believe religion and government were tied together.

    1. I totaly agree that the government and religion were conected

  62. I belive that the Egyptians government and religion were tied together.I belive this because the pharohs thought they were gods. Also there in their hiearchy the pharohs and priests were some of the highest up. Jeremy Snider (World History Chapter pg. 88 and Notes #2)

    1. I agree with you i think you could have given a little more information about the gods and the choosing of the pharohs

  63. The Egyptian civilization was able to survive for so long because they lived right by the Nile River. With this, the Egyptians made good use of the fine silt that the Nile gave. This allowed for good land / fertile soil giving Ancient Egypt the food needed to survive. Also, they were protected by the deserts surrounding them. This reduced the amount of invaders letting Egypt thrive without disturbances unlike the Hebrews. If I may add, the Ancient Egypt civilization was very VERY smart, giving them the opportunities to invent and create, making their lives much easier than it would without. These are my explanations for why Ancient Egypt thrived for so long.

    -Jack Silver

    1. (World History Book, Pg. 79 - 83.)

    2. Very good. I completely agree.
      - -
      [___] (creepy smile

  64. Q2 : I believe that the Egyptian civilization was able to last for so long because of their military force, also their skill to live of the Nile. also how they had social classes to do certain jobs that required certain training. what gave them a chance to last as long as they did was their resources around them like: the Nile, mountains,cataracts, plateau,and other resources.

  65. Question one: I think that Egypts religion and government was connected. One reason I think this is because the pharaoh is the main, or most important, part of the government and he is said to be chosen by the gods. To me, that connects them. (World History, Pg 98) Deja Bradford

  66. The Egyptian civilization was able to thrive for so long is that they had a seemingly endless supply of water, transportation from the good `ole Nile river. But also because they had a very organized system of law and they worked together, but you can`t forget about the farmers of Egypt. They were the base of the civilization to supply Egypt with a surplus of food to allow specialization to occur. Now back to the Nile, also because of the yearly floods (Every 365 days) would deposit nice rich soil also known as the black land, or fertile land and that natural barrier of a desert was known as the red land. so the main purpose of the 'red land' was to protect them. Now the Nile also had its own defense system and that would be the cataracts.

    So I`m sorry if it takes an hour to read but that was all from my 'worthless' brain (according to embalmers). This is question 2
    -Spencer N

    1. Very well constructed. I like how you went in depth into the reasoning.

      -Jack Silver

    2. I totally agree with you, Spencer. I like how you said they had a very organized system of law.

      -Nick Sparger

  67. Q 2: the egyptian civilization was able to succeed for so long because they had a positive look on life and were happy to go to the afterlife. they were able to grow so much food because of the Nile river that deposited lots of silt for fertile land. Thats how they were able to survive for so long.
    Cited from:
    ( Notes all of them)(world history book chapter 4 section )( And my memory)

    1. Don't forget about how they studied new professions

  68. Q2 The reason the Egyptians survived as long as they did because the farmers harvested and planted crops. Which gave the Egyptians the time to study other skills. Like blacksmith, shoe maker, and basket weavers. Another reason is the Nile because it protected them from invaders and was the reason citys thrived. The Nile was the reason farmers had such good crops which means it would deposit silt and that is why the Egyptians could study other professions. (World History Textbook) -Sydney Bennett

  69. I believe that the reason that the egyptians where such a successful civilization is that they where surrounded by water and desserts wich kept out others. I imagine that they had a high population wich meant that there where more people to farm and gather crops. the egyptians also had the nile wich deposited rich soil and gave them a surplus of water. Worshiping gods and staying positive meant that they worked hard so they could please the gods and go into the afterlife.(notes 2 and 3) justin humphrey

  70. The Egyptians civilzation was able to succeed for so long because they had a barrier(desert,body of waters) so their was not as many wars.they were a strong civilzation too and was different from other cities. -Cara L.

  71. Egyptian civilization was able to succed for so long, mainly because of the Nile River. The Nile River would flood around the same time every year, and the flood water would make the area around the Nile very fertile. The fertile soil would then provide a wonderful place to grow crops. Since they had a lot of fertile land to grow several crops, they ended up having food surpluses! With the food surpluses they had, they could start batering and trading with neighboring places to gain new, exotic item! The surpluses and trading helped the Egyptians succed for as long as they did! (World History Textbook, pgs. 79-83)

    ~Emily H.

    1. I agree 100% with you about that. That was a really good answer. :)
      ~Sarah Stewart

  72. There are many reasons why and how the Egyptian civilization was able to succeed for so long. One of the reasons was that the had a positive outlook in life and that they worked hard to please thee gods in many ways. Also because they worked hard in farming and other jobs. they had a strong army that protected the city and looked over them. Also because the leader was like a god and listened to the Pharaoh. They had a surplus of food so they wouldn't get hungry and also could trade to get more resources. Austin Haungs [social study book world history]

  73. The Egyptian government and religion was tied together because the priest, nobles and the pharohs all were very reiligous. The priests followed formal rituals and took great care of the sacred statues and temples. They were very specific on what they wore into the temples and to take care of the sacred statues. The pharoh was considered a god by the Egyptian people. The government officials kept the government on track and running and then the religious people like priest kept the religion running and good. This is the reason i believe religion and government are tied together. (World History Book, Section 2, pg. 88
    Kyleigh Campbell

  74. I think that the Egyptians government and the Egyptian religion are connected because pyramids are places for the pharaohs dead bodies and in their government they have priests who are very high in the government ancient Egypt page 93 and page 88. I think why they could survive so long and what gave them the opportunity to survive so long was that they had a good government system even though it was unfair and they had a burial site for the bodies so that they wouldn't rot and they wouldn't give you diseases. *****#JOHN ELKINS#*****

    1. Oh yeah! i totally forgot about how the pyramids were like a sacred temple! -Emma Jackson

  75. I think that religion and government were tied together because the text book pages 87 through 93 they talk about their government and their religion. "... some Egyptians learned to be scribes, people whose job was to write and keep records." Another reason that they were connected is "Some skilled artisans erected stone or brick houses and temples." This shows how some jobs helped build the civilazation. They also believed that the pharo was a god because the pharo thought himself as a god. They believed that there was a goood afterlife if they pleased one of their most important gods, Osiris, the god who judges them when they enter the afterlife, would allow them to have a happy afterlife. This is the reason they looked towards the afterlife. The priests also helped reinforce the belief. This is also aother reason that the government was connected. "There was even a cat goddess, Bastet." The Egyptains used their pets to also communicate to their gods. This is why I believe that the covenrment and religions were connected. (world history textbook pages 87-93)

    Sarah Stewart

    1. i didnt know that osiris judged them before the afterlife... yay i learned something new! -Emma Jackson

    2. I agree with you about the pets (which I didn't put down). And the pharaoh thing I did put down, but if I were you I woudv'e put something down about the priests cleaning the temples and statues. Overall though your awnser for #1 is really good.
      -Miranda Brangenberg

  76. Egyptian religion and government were connected together through their gods/rulers.The gods played a big role in egyptian culture. They were part of daily life. The pharoahs were said to have been gods ( thats why they were the rulers). When someone would die they believed they would go to something called afterlife. Egyptians believed that the afterlife was a great place to be, with no worries and life would be easier.When a pharoah would die they would be buried with valuable belongings. Also egyptians are polytheists. They believe in more than one god and they thought all of their gods favored them. That is how the Egyptian government is connected to their religion. (World History Ancient Egypt and Kush p.91 Section 2)

    -Emma Jackson :)

  77. The Egyptians civilzation was able to succeed for so long because they had a barrier(desert,body of waters) so their was not as many wars.they were a strong civilzation too and was different from other cities.(World History page79 Section 2). -Cara L.

  78. Q1: The Egyptians government and religion were tied together because the Pharaoh was like a "God". Also because the priests and priestesses, who were right below the Pharaoh, kept the Gods happy by cleaning the temples, changing the statues clothes, and even fed the statues meals. (Social Studies, section 2, page 88)
    -Miranda Brangenberg

  79. Q2: There are many different reasons that the Egyptians lasted so long and that they were able to suceed. The one reason that the Egyptians survied so long is that they lived right be the river and that gave them silt from when the river got flooded be the Nile River.Also since the river flooded the same time every year the farmers could predict when they were able to plant their crops.(World History pg.79) That is how they got their very fertile land to farm on and gave the Egyptian culture a big food surplus.(World History pg.79) The next reason that they lasted so long was that they had natural barriers to protect them.The one barrier was the Sahara Desert to protect them because the desert was so barren and dry that hardly nobody could surive it. The next barrier that procted them was the Nile River and that it also protected them when it flooded so that made it harder for invaders to invade them. That is how the Egyptians survied for such a long time and also why they were so storng in Egypt. -Olivia Mundy

    1. That was really good.

    2. That is a very valid point! Great job!

  80. Q2- The Ancient Egyptians were a very prosperouse civilization. This was due mainly to what was around them. The desert, for instance, provided a cover for the Egyptians. The barrier made their civilization hiddent or unreachable due to the extreme heat and animals. Another feature was the Nile. This river gave them fertile soil (due to the predictable yearly floods) that allowed them to collect a plentiful harvest each year, producing a number of access goods. One of these plants, a papyrus, made a paper like substance that was able to write on. Another invention with another one of their plants was linen. This was tightly woven flax plants. they used this for clothing and sails that they would tie to masts on their boats. These are some of the many things thathelpes the Egyptians not onle surive, but thrive for as long as they did (World Book, unite 2, sections 1 and 2)

  81. Q1- Ancient Egypt's government and religion were tied together. The ancient Egyptians thought of their pharaoh as a god. Even the book says, "The ancient Egyptians thought the pharaoh was the child of the gods and a god himself. Egyptians believed if the pharaoh and his subjects honored the gods, their lives would be happy," (World Book pg.96). Also, within social class of Priests and Nobles, priests had an important job in Egypt of keeping the temple tidy. With this said, ancient Egypt's government and religion were tied together.
